Darts Equipment – Simple Complexity   

Darts Equipment – Simple Complexity   

In this week's tip, I'd like to change the way you think about darts equipment and how a single setup may not be you...
Darts Coach -The power of suggestion

Darts Coach -The power of suggestion

Progress with my game for me can be attributed to understanding how my brain works - well when it comes to darts at l...
Darts Technique - The Big 3

Darts Technique - The Big 3

Coaching is a passion that allows me to demonstrate my love of darts through the sharing of knowledge. It is somethin...
Darts Tip-let the math do the work

Darts Tip-let the math do the work

In my last darts tip, we looked at practice routines to build our platform for success by understanding the basics. ...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Consistent Shooting

By Warren ParryConcentrate on your approach. One of the key things to shooting consistent darts is approaching the bo...
Shot Darts Tips - The Push

Shot Darts Tips - The Push

Here's a good lesson for new dart players - how to fine tune your throw to get more control over your dart and gain s...
Fitness and Diet

Fitness and Diet

Hi There Darts Fans, I'm going down a slightly different route with this months Tips and Hints! I have been over the ...
Stand and deliver: check your stance, hit your target

Stand and deliver: check your stance, hit your target

There’s plenty of advice out there about how to throw a dart – grip, finger placement etc. But how you stand also has a huge impact on your overall darts game. In this post, we’ll take a look at the factors that go into getting your stance right to throw right.
Confidence: the secret sauce of top darts players

Confidence: the secret sauce of top darts players

Confidence. It's hard to teach and tricky to learn. It’s intimidating and from a distance, it can look like arrogance. But rather than loud bravado, true confidence is a quiet, strong self-belief that’s your secret sauce for winning at any level of the darts game.  
Play it forward: helping and teaching other players

Play it forward: helping and teaching other players

There’s that old saying: ‘Those who can, do, and those who can’t, teach.’ We’re calling BS on that right now, because we reckon in darts ‘Those who can, do, but those who teach, do the game a favour.’

So, where do you start with teaching other players, and what do they need to know first, versus what they’ll learn through practice and experience? 

Number Power

Number Power

Part 1Hello all Shot Darts fans and customers, my name is Ken MacNeil I and am a new Player for Shot Darts. My articl...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Having fun with darts

Enjoying what you're doing, in my opinion, is a huge part of playing the game to the level that you, personally, want...