Darts Technique - The Big 3

Darts Technique - The Big 3

Coaching is a passion that allows me to demonstrate my love of darts through the sharing of knowledge. It is somethin...
Darts Tip-let the math do the work

Darts Tip-let the math do the work

In my last darts tip, we looked at practice routines to build our platform for success by understanding the basics. ...
Confidence: the secret sauce of top darts players

Confidence: the secret sauce of top darts players

Confidence. It's hard to teach and tricky to learn. It’s intimidating and from a distance, it can look like arrogance. But rather than loud bravado, true confidence is a quiet, strong self-belief that’s your secret sauce for winning at any level of the darts game.  
Number Power

Number Power

Part 1Hello all Shot Darts fans and customers, my name is Ken MacNeil I and am a new Player for Shot Darts. My articl...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Teach Darts

For many of our Player columns, we tend to focus on the challenges that every day players face and how they handle th...
Sportsmanship: the good sport’s guide to playing darts

Sportsmanship: the good sport’s guide to playing darts

Just for a minute, we’re going to leave technique, practice routines and discussions about the right darts gear behind. This post is all about attitude, etiquette and sportsmanship. Although, what we say here applies equally to female and male players.
Practice perfect: for consistently better darts playing

Practice perfect: for consistently better darts playing

At Shot Darts, we get asked a lot for the juicy pro tips to help players really make their practice time count. So, we called in a couple of experts to give you the lowdown on getting the most from your darts training. Cheers to Warren Parry and Wayne Weening for the practice tips – can’t wait to try them out.
how to play darts

Guarantee the Shot: how to hit your target every time

My tip may seem an obvious one, but over the many years of travelling the 'circuit' and playing pro darts, it’s amazing how many players do not do it. I myself have been guilty of such rash throwing, but I now follow this basic rule, ‘guarantee the shot’.”

Sounds easy when Matt ‘Superman’ Clark says it, aye? Wouldn’t it be great if us mere mortals could be sure of consistently nailing it? In this post, Matt gives us the skinny on his strategy to guarantee the shot (more often than not). 

how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Darts is not a panic game

Darts is an enjoyable game and should be looked at in a light-hearted manner. You are allowed to feel joy and disappo...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Guarantee the Shot

My tip for this month may seem an obvious one but over the many years of travelling the 'circuit' and playing pro. da...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips

Pro Tour Prep 2

By Alex RoyThis month, my hints and tips are all about my preparation routine for a tournament. Being prepared can ma...
how to play darts, how to get better at darts, darts tips


By Anne KramerIt's a relatively unknown entity. It's hard to teach and even more difficult to obtain. Most people mis...